2011年3月12日 星期六

Call to prayer ~彼此守望禱告!

~~ Someone is praying for you~~~
********** 有人在為你禱告 ***********
耶穌發出先知性的預言說:[可 13:8]
CUVMP: 民要攻打民,國要攻打國;多處必有地震、饑荒。
CLB: 將來民族與民族互鬥,國家與國家相爭,到處都是地震和饑荒,
NIV: Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines.
These are the beginning of birth pains.
耶穌慰勉地說:[約 16:33]
CUVMP: 我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裡面有平安。
CLB: 我把這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裡面有平安。
NIV: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!I have overcome the world."

Let us lift up the Spirit of Christ on highter.... keep our faith in One, in Prayer!
2011-03-11 日本 地海嘯
The earthquake Tsunami in Japan
Salvation Army in Japan Begins Earthquake Response
11 March 2011

THE Salvation Army in Japan is responding to the earthquake and tsunami that brought devastation to the north of the country. Communication and travel have been badly hit by the
disaster, and at the moment the true cost in human life and property can only be guessed.


The most damaged city is Sendai, about 400 kilometres away from Tokyo. Commissioner Makoto Yoshida, leader of The Salvation Army's Japan Territory, was at territorial headquarters in Tokyo and reports: 'Our building swayed tremendously. It was hard for us to keep standing and many of us were really frightened.'

損壞最嚴重的城市仙台,距東京約 400公里。軍區指揮官吉田真中將在東京總部報導,「我們的大樓搖晃極大,連保持站立都有困難,有很多人真的嚇壞了。」

He adds: 'We are sending a team to Sendai tonight [11 March] and tomorrow we will start providing the basic necessities as well as assessing the level of damage so we can decide what else we can do.'
他補充說:「我們今晚 [3月11日] 正在派遣一個團隊赴仙台,明天我們將開始提供基本必需品和評估災害的程度,以便決定我們還有什麼可以做。」

Public transport in Tokyo stopped because of the earthquake, leaving many commuters unable to leave work. Commissioner Yoshida says: 'We opened our hall on the ground floor of territorial headquarters to those who could not go home. We served them with hot drinks and packed meals.'


General Shaw Clifton, the international leader of The Salvation Army, has already been in touch with the commissioner to assure him of the prayers and support of Salvationists around the world.

This release is also available through the News section of www.salvationist.org (click on name to access).

這條新聞也可通過 www.salvationist.org(點擊條目以連結)。

Laurie Robertson, Lieut-Colonel
Communications Secretary, Editor-in-Chief and Literary Secretary
救世軍紐西蘭軍區 基督城震災
The Salvation Army Steps Up Earthquake Response in New Zealand
3 March 2011

THE Salvation Army's operations in earthquake-affected
Canterbury, New Zealand, have shifted up a gear. On Wednesday 2 March Salvation Army emergency services volunteers provided 65 per cent more meals to evacuated residents than they had the previous day. Psychosocial support workers fielded their largest number of teams providing emotional support to residents in the hardest-hit suburbs. Particular assistance was given to people with needing urgent care or material support such as food and water.
<救世軍>在受地震影響的紐西蘭坎特伯雷的救助作業行動中,轉移了一個等級。 3月2日星期三救世軍緊急救援服務的志工,增援提供比前一天更多出 65% 的盒餐,給疏散的居民。心理輔導的社工們紛紛派出最多人數的隊伍在受災最嚴重的郊區向居民提供情緒支持。尤其援助需要緊急治療或物質援助者,如食物和水。
With warehousing secured in the Christchurch suburb of Hornby, three specialist managers have been recruited to oversee the movement of bulk goods, heavy transport and accommodation, and to arrange travel for Salvation Army personnel. This development will allow a substantial scaling-up of operations needed for the longer term.

Meanwhile, The Salvation Army's Canterbury Earthquake Appeal reached NZ$6.2 million in cash and pledges, up by $1.9 million over just 24 hours. Of this total, $1.6 million was raised through a $3 text initiative organised by Westpac Bank.
同時,<救世軍>的紐西蘭坎特伯雷地震震災募捐到現金和承諾的認捐達 620萬美元,募捐在 24小時內便已增長超過190萬美元。其中160萬美元是通過<西太平洋銀行>舉辦的活動籌集到。
Psychosocial support personnel from Australia and around New Zealand are part of 'Suburban Squad' teams touring the worst-affected eastern suburbs of Christchurch, assessing residents' needs, property and infrastructure. The teams comprise staff and engineers from EQC (the New Zealand Government's Earthquake Commission) and Christchurch City Council, with 122 Salvation Army personnel providing emotional support to residents and identifying people who require additional support. These include elderly people living in isolation, those with chronic health conditions and others who are particularly stressed or anxious. Such cases were followed up by 'flying squads' of 12 Salvation Army officers, with a large team of volunteers delivering food, water and other goods to those in need.
來自澳大利亞和紐西蘭各地的心理輔導社工人員<薩伯班>代表隊之一部分人參觀了受災最嚴重的基督城東部郊區,評估居民的需要,財產和基礎設施。這些小組包括工作人員和工程師 EQC (紐西蘭政府的地震委員會) 和<基督城市議會>,並<救世軍>向居民提供了 122人次之情緒支持,並確定哪些人需要更多方面的援助。這些措施對象包括那些孤立生活的老年人,有慢性健康狀況和其他特別緊張或焦慮的人。這種情況由後續跟進之<飛行隊>的12名救世軍軍官,和大量協同之志工隊伍隨訪提供食品,水和其他的物資給予需助者。
Another 14 psychosocial support workers were based at welfare centres, providing care and support to people evacuated from their homes.

Psychosocial team coordinator Major Lynette Hutson says her teams are making an immense difference to people who, in many cases, had been cut off and were yet to receive outside help. One of the most touching cases seen by the teams was an 18-year-old who was caring for his wheelchair-bound mother and his two adult-aged, intellectually disabled brothers in a house without sewage or water. An emerging issue is the number of elderly people who are struggling to get by, often without water or sewage.
心理輔導小組的協調員林內特˙赫特森少校說,她的團隊正在作一件巨大差別的事,幫助了在許多情況下已被阻斷封閉的人們,得到外界的幫助。其中一個最感人的病例,隊員發現在一間屋裡,一個 18歲的少年照顧他坐輪椅的母親和兩個弱智的哥哥,竟然沒有水。一個急迫的問題就是有不少老人正在掙扎度日,常常沒有水。
Salvation Army emergency services workers yesterday (2 March) served 4,710 meals to 1,570 people at welfare centres. This number included meals for 100 emergency workers hosted at The Salvation Army's community ministries centre in Linwood. During the day, Linwood Community Ministries delivered 382 food parcels to residents who were without transport and provided 212 food parcels to people arriving at the centre for help.
<救世軍>緊急服務人員昨日(3月2日)在福利中心提供 4710 份食物給 1570人用餐。這個數字包括<救世軍>在<林伍德社區事工中心>的100名急難救助人員。白天,<林伍德社區事工中心>提供382份的食品包給未有被疏運的居民,且提供食品包給抵達該中心尋求幫助的 212人。
Report by Major Christina Tyson
救世軍義大利 軍區援助 利比亞 / 突尼西亞 難民
4 March 2011
ITALIAN authorities have asked The Salvation Army to arrange for its Atena Lucana Centre to be used as a temporary home for refugees from northern
Africa fleeing the turmoil in Tunisia and Libya.

Lieut-Colonel Daniel Naud, Officer Commanding of The Salvation Army's work in Italy, reports that he agreed to have the centre prepared and that within the next few days it will be ready to accommodate at least 50 people.

The centre in Atena Lucana, more than two hours' drive south-east of
Rome, was used in 2008 to accommodate immigrants from other African countries. The programme ran for several months and was acknowledged by the authorities as one of the most effective in the country.

Lieut-Colonel Naud says there is much to arrange before the centre is ready for refugees but added: 'We will do our best with the aid of our team of professionals to manage this new situation.'
意大利當局已要求<救世軍>安排其Atena Lucana中心作為從北非突尼斯和利比亞逃離動盪地區的難民,一個臨時的家。

<救世軍>在意大利的總指揮丹尼爾 Naud上校,報告說,他同意讓該中心編制,並在未來幾天準備容納至少50人。

該中心在距離羅馬東南部的 Atena Lucana,兩個多小時的車程,是用於安置2008年來自其他非洲國家的移民。方案計劃已經運行了數個月,被有關當局承認為國內最有果效的方案計劃之一。

Naud 上校說,在該中心為難民服務的許多工作安排就緒之前,有許多事要作,但他補充說:「我們將與我們的專業團隊,竭盡所能給與援助和管理這一新的事態。」

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