2011年9月1日 星期四

Helping Hand Appeal ~ 援手計劃 起跑了!

2011-09-01 ~ 09-25
救世軍台灣軍區 援手計劃
這是一個為期 3 年的救援認養計畫 歡迎您們加入我們的 援手計劃行動!
對象~~ 姆欽濟反人口交易中心馬拉威 是一個非洲國家


姆欽濟的救世軍不僅致力於救援孩童脫離被販賣的可能,同時也為以下目標努力: 幫助孩子一家團聚,同時也為這些孩子及他們的家人提供諮詢。但對某些孩子來說,讓他們回家並不安全,因為他們必然會被家人再次販賣。我們也為孩子與他們的家人提供認識交易兒童及其危險的教育,許多家庭甚至在自己的孩子被救出之前,對他們的遭遇一無所知。

反兒童交易計劃也包含了在各國的認知推廣活動以及倡導事工。馬拉威雖擁有極高的兒童交易發生率,對 此現象與其對兒童造成的危險之忽視也同樣普遍。對抗人口交易的其中一個方式就是教育社群,使人們能夠對人口走私者、他們所使用的手段與活動有所警覺。位於 馬拉威西部的姆欽濟正是走私兒童的最大交易區域之一。姆欽濟鄰近馬拉威、尚比亞及莫三比克三國的交界,人口交易者也因此易於由此處將兒童運往他國。


供應自產雞蛋的營利項目被認為是能夠獲利相當多的獨立食品商獲利聯盟(Independent Grocers Alliance),不僅能為兒童提供食物,同時也能為中心營運募款。預計開始進行此獨立食品商獲利聯盟之營運將需要二千美元的投資,每年將可透過販售雞肉與雞蛋,擁有七千美元的收益。





美金920元 (新台幣27,600元)


讓我們一同為 ~~~ 為孩子們能擁有更安全的明天「伸出援手」。

The Salvation Army Taiwan Region Helping Hand Appeal
Mchinji Anti trafficking Centre - Malawi
Malawi is in Africa
Mchinji is in Central Malawi

The Salvation Army’s ‘Mchinji Child Trafficking Rescue Centre’ in Malawi, Africa, has been in operation since October 2006. Its purpose is to accommodate children and young people who have been rescued after being sold into child slavery, trafficked as if they are nothing more than goods for sale throughout Malawi and off to other African countries.
Malawi is such a desperately poor country, in some areas parents often sell their children for as little as $10 US.

Children are sold with the promise of an education or a respectable job under fair work conditions.Sadly the reality is very different.These children often end up as prostitutes or slave labourers in Malawi or other countries around the world.
We are determined to free children from this modern day slavery.

In Mchinji the Salvation Army works to free children from these situations and works to…

Reunite children with their family. Counselling is given to the children and their families. For some children, it is not safe at all to return to their family as they would inevitably be trafficked again.

Education is made available to the children and their families to teach them the dangers and issues of child trafficking. Many families do not know about what has happened to their children until they are informed after the child is rescued.

Provide a safe place for children to live. The centre can accommodate up to 40 children at one time. Children are usually cared for at the centre for up to 6 months while The Salvation Army locates their family, relatives or community.

The Anti-Child Trafficking program also conducts awareness raising activities and advocacy work in many communities. Although the incidence of child trafficking in Malawi is high, ignorance about its existence and the dangers of it for children is also very high. One way to combat trafficking is to educate the community so that they are alert to traffickers, their tricks and activities. The town of Mchinji in the West of Malawi is one of the largest areas receiving trafficked children. It is close to the borders of Zambia and Mozambique which makes it easy for traffickers to take children out of the country.

The TSA team is currently looking at ways of introducing Income Generating Activities so that the centre can become more self-sufficient. A borehole has been built at the centre to provide water and currently crops such as maize, beans and cassava are being grown. A further investment of $1,000 would pay for more seeds, fertilizer and a gardener to increase the output and range of vegetables to feed the children.

An egg-laying business has been identified as a particularly profitable IGA and would both provide food for the children and raise some money to help run the centre. An investment of $2,000 would pay for the start-up costs of this IGA and provide a return of $7,000 per year in sales of eggs and chickens.

Poverty is the primary driver of trafficking. Poor education is a driving factor of poverty. When children come to the Centre they attend school and many have expressed that being able to go to school is the best thing about being at the centre. Unfortunately for many children, once they return home they are not able to continue school. This may be because parents cannot afford to send them or because there is no school close enough for them to walk to.

A goal of the Anti-Child Trafficking program is to break the cycle of trafficking. One way to contribute to this is to ensure children are able to receive an education when they leave the centre. Ensuring the opportunity for these children to receive an education is one of the long term goals of the centre. For those who cannot return to family this may mean boarding school. Children return to our care for their school holidays.

For others it may mean paying school fees and other associated education costs when they return home.

Education for these children will provide possibilities for the future where they can provide for themselves working in situations where they are safe and productive making significant contributions to their communities.

The facts

Cost for one child per year attending a nearby boarding school is

$920 US ($2 7600 NTD)

Cheaper if children are able to return to their family

Our fund raising will help The Salvation Army in Malawi to

  • to rescue the children from traffickers
  • to provide the children a home
  • to provide the children with an education
  • to provide the children with counselling
  • to reunite the children with family if possible
  • to educate the children, their families and the communities about human trafficking practises
  • begin these business’ for future income to support the centre

Give a ‘Helping Hand’ to free these children into a safer tomorrow


More than Wonderful

The Salvation Army International Staff Songsters


He promised us that He would be a counselor
a Mighty God and a Prince of Peace.

He promised us that He would be a Father
and would love us with a love that would not cease

Well, I tried Him and I found His promises are true
He's everything He said that He would be.

The finest words I know can not begin
to tell just how much Jesus really means to me.
For he's more wonderful than my mind can conceive,
He's more wonderful than my heart can believe,
He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams
He's everything that my soul ever longed for everything
that He's promised and so much more.

More than amazing more than marvelous
more than miraculous could ever be.

He's more than wonderful that's what Jesus means to me.

T.P.C. 自製的 "愛心手工皂"~~ 義賣~~~為援手計劃籌募善款!!!!

讓我們的愛心~~~能帶來更大的能力!!More Love!More Power!!!

[弗 3:17]



so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,


本堂地址:106 台北市大安區四維路208巷1號

連絡電話:(02) 27058150, 傳真:(02) 27547433, 行動電話:0936865560
