援手計劃奉獻~~援助 非洲 瑪拉威
Mchinji Child Trafficking Rescue Center
Jennifer is an orphan, she has no parents. When Jennifer was 12 years old she was sold by her older sister to a trafficker and forced to work as a sex worker in a brothel. The Salvation Army rescued her from the brothel. She has now been at the Mchinji Rescue Centre for 1 year.
The social worker at the centre investigated if Jennifer could go back home to her village, but this is not possible. There are no relatives in her village to care for Jennifer and the sister who she would have to live with is a sex worker herself. There are some relatives in other African countries, a few in other villages in Malawi but they are all too poor to look after and will not take her into their homes.
珍妮佛即將從小學畢業,2011年8月要開始上中學。救世軍認為對珍妮佛的最佳決定應是讓她上離中心最近的住宿學校,完成中學學業,在假期間她也能夠返回中心居住。而這將需要救世軍提供4年的經濟支援,未來若她能上大學,救世軍也打算繼續支援她的教育。 這些支援能大大地影響、改變珍妮佛的未來。
Jennifer is in her last year of primary school and is due to start Junior High in August 2011. The Salvation Army has decided the best solution for Jennifer’s future is to enrol her in boarding school near the Centre to complete her high school education and allow her to come back to the centre in the school holidays. This would be a four year financial commitment from the Salvation Army. If she is able to enter University, the Salvation Army would like to continue to support her education. This will make a significant impact on the direction of Jennifer’s future.
Jennifer is in the pink top, in the middle of this photo.
援手計劃奉獻~~援助 非洲 瑪拉威
Mchinji Child Trafficking Rescue Center
珍妮佛的故事: Jennifer’s story:
Jennifer is an orphan, she has no parents. When Jennifer was 12 years old she was sold by her older sister to a trafficker and forced to work as a sex worker in a brothel. The Salvation Army rescued her from the brothel. She has now been at the Mchinji Rescue Centre for 1 year.
The social worker at the centre investigated if Jennifer could go back home to her village, but this is not possible. There are no relatives in her village to care for Jennifer and the sister who she would have to live with is a sex worker herself. There are some relatives in other African countries, a few in other villages in Malawi but they are all too poor to look after and will not take her into their homes.
珍妮佛即將從小學畢業,2011年8月要開始上中學。救世軍認為對珍妮佛的最佳決定應是讓她上離中心最近的住宿學校,完成中學學業,在假期間她也能夠返回中心居住。而這將需要救世軍提供4年的經濟支援,未來若她能上大學,救世軍也打算繼續支援她的教育。 這些支援能大大地影響、改變珍妮佛的未來。
Jennifer is in her last year of primary school and is due to start Junior High in August 2011. The Salvation Army has decided the best solution for Jennifer’s future is to enrol her in boarding school near the Centre to complete her high school education and allow her to come back to the centre in the school holidays. This would be a four year financial commitment from the Salvation Army. If she is able to enter University, the Salvation Army would like to continue to support her education. This will make a significant impact on the direction of Jennifer’s future.
Jennifer is in the pink top, in the middle of this photo.
一、孝順 : 若要等你好過才孝順,請想起『樹欲靜而風不止,子欲孝而親不待』
二、行善 : 若要等中樂透才行善,也許這輩子都沒機會。
因為有您, 讓世界更加美好…
[詩 72:12]
CLB: 貧苦無助的向他哀求,他便看顧;
Power of Your Love
『你怎麼了?!』小女孩哽咽的說:『有太多小朋友了,教室沒有位置了!』牧師看著這位小女孩衣衫破舊、也不似其他小朋友被父母裝扮的乾淨整潔。牧師心想,主日學孩子多了,這位從貧民窟來的孩子自然地就被擠出教室了!於是,牧師牽起女孩小小的手,走進教室找了個位置讓小女孩坐下來上主日學。這位小女孩因為牧師的愛很受感動,心裡很感恩,在她心中暗暗下了一個決定...兩年後,在貧民窟的這個小女孩因為生病而死亡了!女孩的父母知道小女孩生前常常到這個教會上主日學,於是請了牧師來幫小女孩舉行告別式。牧師抱起了小女孩,有東西從小女孩身上滑落。牧師撿起來,是一個破舊的錢包, 從裡頭抽出一張字條,幾個歪歪斜斜的字落在上頭:『這是獻給神,要把小小教會建得大一點,讓更多的小朋友能上主日學』。
牧師大哭 ....這件事被寫下來,傳了出去...,有一位地主看到了,決定要將一塊地賣給這個教會,以『五毫七分』的價錢賣出。如今這塊地成為 3300人教會、主日學大樓還有一座醫院...小女孩費盡全力到她死前才存五毫七分。實在沒法估量五毫七分到底是『多麼的少』,但它卻成就『何等大的事』...。您是否常常認為自己很渺小,凡事覺得無能為力?很多的想法還沒付諸行動前,
因為有您, 讓世界更加美好…
[詩 72:12]
CLB: 貧苦無助的向他哀求,他便看顧;
我們的父神是 充滿慈愛...憐憫的 神!
願 將一切頌讚榮耀歸給我們在天上的父 神!